So, off we go!   Sugar....The silent killer. 

Moving on from my preface rant, we're now entering (more) serious stuff. This testimony of mine is, by definition, personal to me. I write this solely as an attempt to increase awareness and knowledge of that most dreadful of killers, the awful big c. I believe you are what you eat and you are what you think. If you eat crap, you'll feel like crap, if you think negatively, you'll pretty much create your own negative and stressed environment, which in turn increases the body's sugar production, which provides even more "food" for your enemy c cells. I arrived at this point of thinking on 06/01/25 whilst waiting to go into a CT scanner in Peterborough hospital, for a scan to assess the potential spread of a recently discovered tumour. Pushed into a corner (metaphorically speaking) and going against everything I'd previously spouted,  I was injected with a contrast dye, to aid "illumination" of any spread in c cells. Curiosity got the better of me, and I had to investigate what was in this contrast dye, that made these pesky little killer cells illuminate under the watchful eye of the computed tomography (CT) scan. Incidentally, I write this in my own words, in the vernacular of the peasant I am! Well, I discovered that the dye used is predominantly a glucose (sugar) solution. Why sugar I asked? Long story short, and after a few hours of documented science driven research, it became clear to me that cancer feeds off sugar. Moreover, it prefers and indeed thrives in an acidic environment. Of course, I was thrown down a few rabbit holes to reach this conclusion, as good old google has been deliberately programmed to class this as "not proven"! So Mr Google I ask you this.....The contrast dye is a glucose solution that aids immensely in the illumination of c cells under a CT scan, why are we not being told in the first instance to cut out completely, additional sugars which are so prevalent in the modern diet? 

Apologies Mr Google, I previously assumed your gender, I did that on the assumption that men tend to know everything, or at least that's what I've heard! Leaving the tragic parody of modern confused society behind, we DO NOT NEED ADDED SUGAR! Our bodies can function perfectly well enough with natural sugars in fruit and veg', and with sugars produced when carbohydrates are converted in our digestive system. As I type, Easter is on the horizon, kids will be looking forward to their chocolate eggs etc, scoffing down all that processed, ultra refined sugar. I see all this stuff now as carcinogenic. I look in the supermarket isles and see the Easter "cancer" eggs. I make no apologies for calling them this, because that is exactly what they are, cancer food. Chocolate everywhere, sweets everywhere. Parents, if you love your kids, stop feeding them CRAP! Cook them a proper home cooked meal. You've heard the saying, meat and two veg', it's setting your little ones off to a good start in life if you'd only feed them properly. I hear some of you say, "what about agrichemicals in the food chain"? That's another topic, for another page. A perfectly reasonable question, and one that requires detailed response, but basically modern agrichemicals are I believe, one of the top three biggest drivers in the massive and recent spike in cancers. They, along with neonicotinoids (found in dog flee treatment) are driving these diseases. Remember people, DO NOT get that front line dog flee treatment on your skin, although, it's best not to use it at all, as it leaches through the dogs skin and saliva and eventually pollutes the home anyway. No, you won't get told this stuff by your vet, because there is too much money at stake.

I recently witnessed people as young as eighteen years of age being diagnosed with terrible illnesses. It's nothing new of course, but straight from the horses mouth (or a nurse in this case!) she's witnessing an unprecedented amount of young folk coming in with all forms of cancer. This is a trend which has happened this last ten years, YES, you heard me correctly, the last ten years have seen a monumental increase. So I ask you, the reader, what do you think has driven this change? 

Two things are for sure, we are bombarded, left right and centre with information and disinformation. Our food is tainted with pesticides and killer sugars. We can't eliminate completely, but we can do our best to lessen the intake of man made, synthetic crap! Do your body a favour and start eating as best as you can. 

The second thing (and most importantly) for sure, is that God is good, He provides, and He will see us through this chapter in our life. I appreciate some of you will call these things fairy tales, I know because I once did, it's not until the penny of revelation drops that you understand your raison d'etre. I ask you this however, if there is nothing else to life, other than this realm of existing, we are born, most suffer some degree of hurt then die,  what is the point of it all? 

Answers on a postcard please!


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