Below is Fred Dibnah. Fred was a real man, they don't make men like Fred anymore. Compared to the wet behind the ears excuses for men we have by today's standards, there is no comparison. RIP Fred. This photo is undoctored, and 100% genuine. "Did ya larke that "!
The title page is dedicated to those hero's of old who built this country to what it is today, from those great men like Isambard Brunel, Robert Stephenson and the vast Victorian ilk of real men, from designers, architects and landscapers, to the unsung coalminers and gate keepers that kept the great, in Great Britain. Now, by design, England is the toilet of Europe. Apathy will be the downfall of your luxurious lifestyles all you inhabitants of this once great land, who are currently so comfortable, you don't even have a hint of a clue, your country is being stolen from within, right from under your noses. Rightly or wrongly, it's going to serve you right, you're all going to get what you have asked for. Enjoy your comfortable lives whilst you can, enjoy your fancy houses, with your fancy cars that are parked on your fancy plastic/rubber driveways, because it's coming to an end, and when it does, if I'm around, I'll tell you that I told you so!
Examples of utter stupidity.....
The Red Arrows used more than 2.6 million litres of jet fuel in the last year, leading to 12,746 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions – the same as driving a petrol car from London to Glasgow and back more than 70,000 times.
Oct 2024
And you are being forced into an extortionately priced battery car, that has the potential to explode whilst you're in it, cause the death of kids that mine lithium, on the false pretence that it's saving the planet. Do you really think it's about climate change, or a licence to print money and rip the inhabitants of Great Britain PLC off. You choose. If you think it's about climate change, there's no hope.
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